A.W. Hodde Technical Education Center
In 2005 a small
committee of Washington County business leaders and local officials was formed
to explore the idea of building a training center with Blinn College that would
focus on training the employees that area businesses needed to continue to grow
in Brenham. In 2010 the A.W. Hodde Technical Education Center was opened in
Brenham Business Center, a Class A Business Park. This state-of-the-art
facility has been so successful, that it was expanded in 2014 to provide
additional classroom and technical education space.
Hodde Tech Center supports traditional post-secondary students seeking entry into their first career position, existing employees of local businesses updating skills and certifications, and transitioning employees working to better their skill set for the highly technical jobs that are in high demand.
Fields offered include:
Pharmacy Technician
Certified Medical Assistant
Advanced Construction Safety
CNC Machining
OSHA Safety
CPR/First Aid
CNC Machining
Certified Nursing Assistant

Brenham ISD & Burton ISD
Career and Technical Education programs, at both Brenham and Burton, are dedicated
to preparing young people with the skills that will enable students to
acquire advanced academic and technical skills needed for entry into
today’s global workforce, as well as post-secondary education in order
to become contributing members of their community. The CTE’s vision is that every Career and Technical Education
student will graduate ready for college, a career, and a life in an
ever-changing global workforce and multicultural society.
Brenham ISD offers CTE career clusters in the following fields:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
Business Management & Administration
Information Technology
Architecture & Construction
Hospitality & Tourism
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Child Development
Floral Design
Forensic Science and more!
Brenham is conveniently located to superior higher education resources. Click below for more details.