The City of Brenham’s Economic Development received a Certificate of Achievement for Economic Excellence from the Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) at the TEDC Winter Conference held February 19-21, 2020. TEDC is the largest statewide association of over 800 Economic Development Professionals. 53 organizations received the Economic Excellence recognition for 2019. This is the first year that a Brenham economic development organization has received this recognition.

Susan Cates, Director of Economic Development says, “This recognition is a testament to the work that our community has invested to align our economic development organization with the professional standards established for like organizations throughout the state. I am proud of our accomplishments over the past year.” Also attending the conference was Washington County Commissioner Candice Bullock who states, “I am so proud of our community and the efforts taken to strengthen our Economic Development initiatives. This award is an honor and good indicator that our continuous improvement and endeavors are working.”
The Economic Excellence Recognition Program encourages continued personal and professional growth of economic development professionals, volunteers, and elected officials throughout the state. The award provides recognition to economic development organizations that meet a desired level of professionalism and the following criteria: continuing education and training; attainment of professional certifications by professional staff; implementation of best practices in the industry such as budgeting and strategic planning; and active membership in professional organizations.
“Successful Economic Development demands a coordinated approach
and strong commitment from City and County officials and professional staff.
Being selected for “Economic Excellence” is a win-win for our community,”
says Carolyn Miller, Assistant
City Manager - Chief Financial Officer for the City of Brenham.