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Brenham Development Services Ranks High on Customer Service

One of the keys to attracting new investment is the cost of development in a community. A significant part of the cost of development is the amount of time needed to manage the development approvals and permitting processes. The City of Brenham Development Services Department places a high priority on providing great customer service. Great customer service and customer relationships means reduced time getting a project through the appropriate channels--and reduced time means reduced cost!

To verify that all Development Services staff and processes are targeted to give customers the best possible experience, Development Services requests customer feedback utilizing a short online survey. The overall customer survey reports from January 14th to July 14th show that customers are very satisfied with the service from the employees of the Development Services Department. There was an astounding 89% reported as very satisfied with their customer service. The majority of respondents indicated that the Development Services Department staff coordinated among themselves to ensure the project went smoothly and responded within a reasonable amount of time. Providing constructive input, feedback, or guidance the customer needed to help move the project along. Furthermore, 89% of customers strongly agreed that the Development Services Department staff represented the city in a positive manner.