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...I'm Going to Texas

The Census figures tell the story! Although the total number of US residents remains largely unchanged, the regional shifts have changed a lot! The Northeast and Midwest regions experienced the greatest net losses while the Southern states, led by Texas picked up the greatest net gains. 

 Noted economist Dr. M. Ray Perryman, in his article entitled "Where Have All the People Gone?" (published on January 19, 2022) attributes a primary factor as differences in total individual tax burdens, with the population-loss states having high individual tax burdens and population-gain states having lower individual tax burdens. Case in point is that rankings of states from highest to lowest tax burden places New York at Number One with 14.1% (or almost $10,000 per person) compared to Texas at Number 47 with 8.0% (just $4,143 per person).

Texas is popular because of our business-friendly policies, stable governance, and low tax rates! Contact us to find out how we can help you bring your business, or build your business in Brenham, Texas.